Travellers Appeal West Berkshire Enforcement Order

Published: 25 August 2022

Travellers Appeal West Berkshire Enforcement Order


“There are further developments on the Travellers Encampment West of the Pumping Station. The Travellers are appealing against the enforcement order served by West Berkshire Council. They have appealed to the Planning Inspectorate, APP/W0340/C/22/3304292: 22/00259/15UNAU - Land West of Pumping Station, RG20 0NA.


The enforcement notice was issued for the following reasons on the 1st July 2022:


Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land to residential
use for Gypsy/Traveller family by:


  1. The stationing of 2no. mobile homes and 2no. touring caravans for residential


Without planning permission, the unauthorised development to create 2no. pitch for residential use for Gypsy/Traveller family by:


  1. Erection of fences, laying of hardstanding, installation of above ground pipes,
    subterranean cesspit, soakaways, tanks, chambers and water tap standpipe in, on, over and under the Land.


The enforcement notice requires the following steps to be taken:


1.              Cessation of the residential use of the land

2.               Removal of all mobile homes and touring caravans

3.              Remove all fences, hardstanding, above ground pipes, cesspit, soakaways, tanks, chambers and water tap standpipe;

4.              Remove from the Land all debris and resultant materials arising from the steps (ii – iii) as shown above


The appellant has appealed against the notice on the following grounds:


1.       Ground (a): That planning permission should be granted for what is alleged in the notice.

2.       Ground (f): The steps required to comply with the requirements of the notice are excessive, and lesser steps would overcome the objections.

3.       Ground (g): The time given to comply with the notice is too short.




If you wish to make comments or modify/withdraw your previous representation(s), you can do so online at If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to:


Inquiry/Hearing Enforcement Case Officer

The Planning Inspectorate

3B Eagle Wing

Temple Quay House

2 The Square




All representations must be received no later than 26th September 2022.  Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. All representations must quote the Inspectorate’s appeal reference: APP/W0340/C/22/3304292.


Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and this local planning authority and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.


The appeal documents are available for inspection at the Market Street Council Offices during normal working hours, or online at using the Council’s application reference:”